Build a Course
Add a Book in MOLE
A good way to keep the course home page neat and short is to place sequential lesson content within a book.
1. Click Turn editing on at the top right of the page.
2. In the appropriate section, click Add a resource, select Book from the pop-up list.
3. On the Adding a new Book page, enter a Name and Summary information for the book.
4. Select how you want Chapter numbering to display, and whether you want Custom titles of chapters displayed in a table of contents.
5. Complete any other necessary fields and click Save and return to course.
6. On the course home page, click the link for the new book.
7. On the Editing chapter page, type a Chapter title, select whether it is a Subchapter and enter Content in the text editing box.
8. Attachments are also available in this page. Hover your mouse to the available attachments to see its name.
To import a Microsoft Word file, click the Word icon.
To create a link from your chapter, click the Link icon.
To embed a video from Youtube in your chapter, click the Video icon.
9. When you have entered all the content, click Save changes. The chapter content displays in the Table of contents block, click the Plus icon to Add new chapter and repeat step 8.
10. When you have created all the required chapters and subchapters, click the Exit book icon to return to the course home page.