Build a Course
Add a Wiki in MOLE
1. On the MOLE course home page, click Turn editing on at the upper right of the page.
2. In the relevant page section, click Add an activity and in the resulting pop-up, under activities, select Wiki. Click Add.
3. On the Adding a new Wiki page, enter name and description of the wiki.
4. Select the Display description check box if you want the text you entered in the Description to display on the course home page below the wiki's link.
5. Choose a wiki mode you wish to use. The wiki mode determines whether everyone can edit the wiki - a collaborative wiki - or whether everyone has their own wiki which only they can edit - an individual wiki.
6. Enter the title of the first page of the wiki. Once the wiki is created, the title can no longer be changed.
7. Complete any further relevant sections of the page and click Save and display.