Manage a Course


A. Add a New Badge

1. Click the Gear Icon on the top-right side of the page. After clicking, the site will show setting options for the badges. Click the Badges beside Reports. Before you can manage a badge, you must first create a badge. Click Add a new badge.

2. After clicking, you will be directed to a page where you have to fill out the required fields to create a new badge. The form has three sections: badge details, issuer details and badge expiry.

    • Badge details - this includes the name and description of the badge, also you can upload an image that will be used when the badge is issued, the image author’s name, image author’s email, image author’s URL and image caption.

    • Issuer details - this includes the name of the issuing agent or authority and the email address associated with the badge issuer.

    • Badge expiry - optionally, badges can expire on a specific date, or the date can be calculated based on the date when the badge was issued to a user.

Once it is done, click Create badge.

3. Set the criteria for the badge created. Whether it be manual issue by role, awarded badges, activity completion, course completion and competencies.

    • Manual issue by role - allows a badge to be awarded manually by users who have a particular role within the course.

    • Awarded badges - allows a badge to be awarded to users based on the other badges they have earned.

    • Activity completion - allows a badge to be awarded to users based on the activity completion they have completed.

    • Competencies - allows a badge to be awarded to users based on the competencies they have completed.

    • Course Completion - allows a badge to be awarded to users who have completed the course. This criterion can have additional parameters such as minimum grade and date of course completion.

B. Manage Badges

1. Once you are finished, you can now manage your badges. Click Manage badges.

2. To edit the details of your badge, click the Gear icon in the Actions column. You can also duplicate your badge by clicking the Copy icon beside the gear icon. To delete a badge, click the Trash can icon.